General Terms of use
Tehnozavod website allows you to use the services and content subject to the Terms of Use below. No part of the site may be used for illegal purposes or for the promotion of the same. By using the services and content, users are considered to be familiar with the current conditions and risks arising from the use of this website and accept to use the content of this website at their own risk and to fully understand the terms of use.
Tehnozavod is the copyright holder of all its own content (textual, visual and audio material, database and programming code). Unauthorized use of any part of the portal, without prior permission of the copyright owner, is considered to be a copyright infringement and is subject to a lawsuit.
In this regard, without prior written permission of the copyright owner, the users of the website are particularly prohibited form:
- Publishing contents from this website on other websites
- Sell, lend, or issue a license for use of any contents of this website
- Publicly display any content from this website
- Reproduce, issue copies or in any other way use website contents for commercial purposes
A user who considers that Tehnozavod Marušić has violated its copyrights is obliged to report such content using the e-mail address The company will consider each report and, in the event of copyright infringement, will remove the content as soon as possible.
The right to modify content and services
Tehnozavod reserves the right to change, terminate (temporary and permanent) any content or services in the site without prior notice.
Links to other websites
Tehnozavod website consists of its own content, content of partners and advertisers, free content, and links to external sites.
Tehnozavod has no control over third-party information and therefore assumes no responsibility for the content of third-party web sites that user access via the link or for their use of the mentioned links. When accessing third-party web sites, users are advised to review respective terms of use.
All content of the Tehnozavod website is used at its sole discretion and company is not held responsible for any damages caused by the use.
User Responsibilities
The users of the Tehnozavod web site are strictly forbidden:
- Sending content that violates existing Croatian and / or international laws, content that is offensive, vulgar, threatening, racist or chauvinistic and harmful in any other way
- Sending information that a visitor knows or assumes is false and whose use could cause harm to other users
- False representation or representation on behalf of another legal or natural person
- Sending content that is copyright protected
- Consciously sending content containing viruses or similar computer files or programs designed to destroy or limit the work of any computer software and / or hardware and telecommunications equipment
- Using automatized data collection (data mining)
- Undertaking Denial-of-Service attacks
Changes to Terms of Use
Tehnozavod reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time and will not be liable for any possible consequences resulting from such changes. These changes will take effect by publishing on this web site.
Governing Law
Terms of use of this website are governed by Croatian law. Any disputes arising from or in connection with terms set herein shall be resolved amicably. In case amicable resolution is not possible, disputes shall be settled by the competent Croatian courts.