Fire and gas detection

Protecting people, assets and equipment is a priority

Fire and gas alarm management with video verification and two-way communication protocols for a faster reaction.

Prevention, early detection and fast resolving of fire and gas alarms

In large industrial and business systems with several hundred locations, almost the same number of different fire and gas detection systems can be found.

Supervisor resolves the problem of connecting them to a single central point, without having to replace the equipment.
Different fire and gas detection systems are integrated into Supervisor as a central point of the PSIM solution.

Supervisor allows operators to use the alarm
mamangement module to resolve fire and gas detection alarms.

Video verification

Additional benefit for operators in the moment of the alarm is video verification feature and safety procedure suggestion

  • System automatically opens the video surveillance camera screen on the location of the alarm (if available), so the operator can visually verify the alarm. 
  • Then a set of instructions from proper safety procedure is shown, so manual searching time is eliminated, and operator can react much faster. 

This decreases reaction time and potential damage, directly lowering the potential cost.

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